Legal notice
General Terms and Conditions
The information provided on this site is intended for Innocentro LLC's customers and for other interested persons and provides information of a general nature only. It is not intended to create any legal obligation of Innocentro LLC.
• Innocentro LLC has taken great care to compile the information and to ensure that it is correct and complete. The information is updated at irregular intervals. As such information may be subject to rapid and recurrent changes, we would like to point out that despite all efforts, the information may occasionally be out of date, incorrect or incomplete. As a result, Innocentro LLC provides this information "as is" and makes no assurance or warranty with regard to such information.
• The website and its content are not intended for persons in jurisdictions which do not permit the distribution or the access to the content of this site. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with any such limitations before accessing this site.
Last modification August 01, 2016.
Privacy Policy
In addition to being bound by strict Mexican and international legislation concerning data privacy, Innocentro LLC wishes to assure you of its strong commitment to the following principles, which in certain aspects go even further than the current legislation. Innocentro LLC feels a strong need to observe a balance between offering personalized services to its customers and safeguarding the individual's right to data privacy. In the event of any questions or problems concerning this Privacy Policy, please contact our data protection officer.
• Innocentro LLC does not collect personally identifiable information through the Internet or otherwise unless you explicitly choose to provide this information. If Innocentro LLC collects information, this will only be for clearly specified purposes.
• When you choose to provide us with information, it is kept strictly confidential. We do not sell, share or in any way disclose the information obtained for specific purposes to third parties unless obliged to do so by law and/or legal proceedings (e.g., court orders).
• The data our customers provide us with is discarded as soon as the original purpose is no longer relevant or the customer informs us that he/she desires the data to be discarded.
• We make every effort to keep data given to us accurate and up to date, and we will process requests for updates quickly and reliably.
• We make sure that our staff is trained to adhere to these standards. Our employees sign a statement of commitment to these principles.
Personalized Services
In order to optimize and personalize our online services to meet your needs, we employ a technology called cookies for personalized sessions. We assure you that we discard this information as soon as you terminate the session.
The information collected to optimize our Internet site (e.g., domain name, pages viewed, number of visits, time spent on our site) is only used to improve the website and its content. The analysis of this data preserves the anonymity of our customers.
Data from individual uses of our website is stored for error analysis. This information is used solely for correcting errors and analyzing attacks
Internet Links
We are aware that quite a few participating parties in the Internet do not adhere to these principles. We do not accept any responsibility for the behavior and practices of third parties involved. Although we try to make sure that sites we link to adhere to the principles mentioned above, we are not responsible for the content and privacy policy employed by other Internet sites, carriers and ISPs.
A cookie is a small element of data that can be exchanged between an Internet site and a client's browser. It can be stored on either side to enable the Internet application to recognize the client on return. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, and you may choose to accept the cookie or not. If you do not accept the cookie the corresponding Internet page cannot be accessed. If you accept the cookie, you can delete it after the session.
Last modification August 01, 2016.
In addition, a previous behold, last July 5, 2010 was published in the Official Gazette of the Federal Law (Diario official de la federación) on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter the "Act") whose provisions clearly contribute with our objective of protect your personal data. You can access the contents of the Law one through the portals that the Mexican federal government, through the Ministry of the Interior (Secretaria de Gobernacion) , and the Chamber of Deputies of Congress (H. Congreso de la Union) have in internet, which the addresses are: and
By virtue of the above, we inform you that in accordance with our Privacy Program and the Law , the personal data we obtain under the or operations you request celebrated with INNOCENTRO LLC. Be treated in confidence an through Systems and Schemes provided for this purpose.